Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Video Battle Report: FNP Wargamers

I was featured on FNP Wargamers video battle report.
I wont give away any spoilers but it's hard not to yell at myself from the computer screen. If this is your first time checking out their channel, subscribe to them and enjoy all the wargaming content that's available. Comments and criticism is always appreciated.


  1. I have my first battle against Necrons this weekend and I will not be assaulting that chariot with a walker... Thanks for the tip :p

    1. See, that whole tactic was a demonstration for everyone watching. You don`t want to be like me lol.

      I actually had decent odds at killing the chariot though if I A) attacked the chariot instead of the character with reanimation or B) I could roll anything good with 4 Destroyer attacks.

      I'm just glad this data could be used for further xenos exterminations.
