I just finished a major commission of Custodes and after finally getting rid of the gold flakes from hands and paint desk, I might just be hooked on the golden boys of 40k.
I really enjoyed this commission even though it was a major pain. I never realized how detailed these models really were. Jewels, jewels everywhere! The Custodes Terminators even had jewels on their nuckles. Though it did make me chuckle at the thought of a Custodian slapping someone with their pimp ring.
I ended up doing a classic scheme. I was aiming to be like the box art but with my own style. I tried to make the plump a warmer tint of red than the cloaks. The power weapons were a piece of cake with how easy it is to blend with an airbrush. Yes, I subscribe to airbrush superior! The gradient effect gives me almost as much joy as destroying hertics.
Now for the most frustrating part of this commission, magnets. How do they even work!? Thr client wanted all weapon options available and I did my best to comply. With the normal troop units it was a piece of cake. Drill into the wrists and the hands. Then you are done. For the wardens and allarus the only thing changing their weapons are the heads. You could have a spear or an axe. But there is almost no surface area and I couldn't find any magnets small enough to fit and have a flat surface. My first attempt was .....terrible. So after hours of searching online I decided to make it simple. I used sticky tact! A little bit of sticky tact keeps the weapons interchangeable and it is hidden from sight. Simple and effect. Just like I like it. If anyone has had luck with magnets leave a comment below.
After finishing this job I just had to be a glutton for punishment. So now I ended up buying a squad of wardens and the named character. I don't remember his name so ill just call him Captain Dimond Hands. So me and Captain Dimond hands are making a Custodes force. Let's see where this collection goes.
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