Thursday, November 21, 2013

Battle Report: Iron Hands Vs CSM/Daemon (1850)

The force of Chaos were in full force and finally compelled me to throw some dice after three weeks of no 40k.
I visited Asgard Games, a fantastic and welcoming gaming store to crush my friend's dreams of glory. Here are the lists.

Daemon Prince of Nurgle : Black Mace, Wings, Three powers, Gift, armor
Cultist x10
Cultists x10
Lord of Change: Three powers, Two greater gifts, lesser gift
Aegis Defense Line with Comms
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch: Three powers, Two greater gifts, armor
Obliterators of Nurgle  x3

Chapter Master, bike, shield eternal, artificer, Thunder hammer
Tactical squad flamer/missile in a rhino
Tactical squad flamer/missile in a rhino
Tactical squad flamer/missile in a rhino
Iron clad dreadnought two flamers in drop pod
Centurion x 3 grav weapons
Sky talon assault/skyhammer
Sky talon assault/skyhammer
Storm Raven assault/multimelta

Mission: Big Guns Never Tire

Deployment: Dawn of War

Turn One
I had first turn and spread my forces so that I would have threats available from multiple sources. My NDP and LOC were positioned out of line of sight of most my opponents guns. Adjacent to them were my oblits and TDP on the left. Manning the comms relay my plague bearers huddled down behind the aegis looking disgustingly beautiful. In reserves are the two Heldrakes and two cultist squads.

My opponent set his three rhinos centrally with the Chapter Master leading the convoy. The three centurions setup a defensive position in the ruined building forcing their will on mid board while holding an objective.

My opponent failed to seize so I went straight into the heart of battle with my LOC and TDP. I flew forward with both units and held back my NDP as a counter assault threat. I wasn't worried about my LOC because of the powers he manifested so he was literally in front of all the iron hands. Precognition is an amazing power on a LOC, it transforms him into a killing machine. Combine that with forewarning and prescience he had the ability to support others and make himself that much more durable. I aimed to get an easy first blood with prescienced oblits using lascannons on a rhino but only stripped two hull points.

Screaming down from the atmosphere came an Iron clad which proceeded to flame and kill three plague bearers. Next my opponent set the skies ablaze with fire trying to kill my LOC however blessed be Chaos he was not wounded however grounded. The Chapter master ran in to smash my LOC but in the end one wound was inflicted and I passed my leadership test.

Turn Two
Turn two I use my comms relay to force my drakes on and keep the cultist out. My originally plan was to get into combat with the centurions but I should have known that wouldn't happen with the Chapter Master so close to them. That left my NDP without the ability to effect the battle much because if I went forward he would be destroyed by the grav cannons. This is something I have been trying to accept, the fact that sometimes running forward trying to smash everything isn't always the best course of action. But I guess my NDP was bored so he inflicted a wound on himself while casting Iron arm. I push the drakes forward and flame all three rhinos. Once the flames die down I take off a few hull points but thanks to the Iron Hands traits the lead rhino survives with one left. I end up stealing l first blood with my oblits firing three twin linked melta guns at the dread's back and side. My TDP swings from the left side getting into potion to attack the troops from the rear. The combat of titans continues to be a slap fight with me doing only one wound to the Chapter Master.

The twos storm talons and the storm raven comes in and unloads on my drakes tearing off two hull points locking velocity on one and doing one hull point on the other. The centurions only inflict one wound on my oblits. All of the troop gunfire put a wound on my TDP. Lastly the turn ends with me putting two wounds on the chapter master and him putting one of my LOC. Thanks to the chapter trait the master gets back one wound.

Turn Three
The top of three my Drakes fly off the board and destroy one of the rhinos. The cultist scramble on the board and head for objectives. The TDP starts to slaughter marines in the back.
The sky force lay into my oblits killing all of them but one. In combat I finish off one of the marine squads with my TDP and the battle between the LOC and Chapter master goes no where.

Turn Four
At the top of four both drakes vector strike on the board and take down both talons. I push forward with my NDP and setup to blast the centurions with my Nurgle witch fire. At this put my opponent and I realize that the game is probably already over so we decided to see how the combat would play out with the LOC to see if we should continue. I ended up doing three wounds in which the master fails all three invuls and all three feel no pains giving me slay the warlord. Victory to the forces of Chaos!


 This game begins a discussion with my friend if his list even has the ability to fight mine. I think that I am 10 to 1 against my friends marines. However most of those games he was using the space wolves codex. I am planning to make a list for him to defeat mines or we might switch lists to see how that plays out. What do you all think? Are dual Heldrakes too much for marines to handle? Is there an answer to MC's in the Codex Astartes? What would you do? Let me know what you guys think.

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